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To work

To work in the Netherlands with a foreign diploma

Did you study abroad and do you now want to work in the Netherlands? A credential evaluation shows which level in the Dutch educational system is comparable to your diploma. This information will help you find a job.

A credential evaluation is usually not mandatory, but an employer may ask for it. An employer or other organisation can also apply for the credential evaluation on your behalf. They do must ask your permission.

A credential evaluation is an advice; you cannot derive any legal rights from this document.

Before you apply

You do not always need to apply for a credential evaluation. Before applying for a credential evaluation, check whether your profession is regulated (protected) in the Netherlands, for example (para)medic, nurse or teacher. You can find out by checking the database of the European Commission. Tip: Under Search Options go to Professions Regulated in Country and select Netherlands.

Is your profession on the list? Then first contact the competent authority associated with that profession. They will tell you about the procedure you have to follow.

Is your profession missing from the list? Then yours is not a protected profession and you can apply for a credential evaluation directly.

Required documents

You should always send the following documents with every application for a credential evaluation:

  • a copy of the diploma/certificate for evaluation;
  • a copy of the grades list or the complete diploma supplement;
  • a copy of your passport, residence permit or identity card;
  • a sworn translation of the required documents, if these are not issued in Dutch, English, German or French. Translations are not necessary if you are applying for inburgering. You can find sworn translators in the Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators. You can also upload a sworn translation from another country.
    Did you receive an English version of the documents from your educational institution? Then you do not need to submit a sworn translation. A copy of the documents in the original language and a copy of the English version are sufficient;
  • for many countries there are extra documents you need to upload. On this page you can read which extra documents you need to upload in My IDW per country.

Sometimes you have to upload extra documents, for example:

  • a copy of your bachelor diploma and a list of marks or grades), if you request a credential evaluation for a Master's;
  • a copy of the documents from your previous education if you have received credit transfer for the education for which you are requesting a diploma evaluation;
  • upload also a proof of change of name if your name on your passport, resident permit or id-card is not the same as on your diploma. This is for example a marriage certificate;
  • a copy of the permission form, if you request a credential evaluation on behalf of someone else.

You do not have all documents or zero documents?

Are you missing some of the necessary documents and is it unsafe to request these from the country where you completed your study programme? You can still apply for a credential evaluation. We will decide whether we can give you a credential evaluation on the basis of the documents you have.

Are you missing all the documentation and diplomas? Then state this when you fill in the application. You will have to answer extra questions about your study programme. We will be able to give you an Indicatie Onderwijsniveau (Indication of Educational Level), which defines which educational level in the Netherlands is comparable to your diploma. This is only an estimation because you no longer have the documentation and diplomas.

How to apply for a credential evaluation when you want to work in the Netherlands?


Submitting an application




Following your application


Receiving your credential evaluation

1. Submitting an application

Submit your application via the website Mijn IDW.nl. After activating your account, you can start the application. Fill in all the information and upload the required documents. There is no need to send in (original/certified/notarised) documents by post or email.

Go to the step-by-step instruction for My IDW.

2. Payment

After you have answered all the questions and uploaded all the documents, pay for the application online. Per application one diploma is evaluated. One application costs € 148,83. You can pay in the online payment system, for example by iDEAL, PayPal or credit card.

Are you submitting an application for a client on behalf of an organisation? Then you can also transfer the payment at a later time. When you do so, mention the application number found on the application. We only start processing the application when the payment has been received.

Once we have received the application and the payment, you will receive a confirmation email from us.

3. Following your application

You can follow the status of your application in your account. You will receive an email from us if any documents are missing. You can see which documents and information we need in your account.

When your application has been completed, it will be sent to our expertise centre. We will send you an email at this point. It may be that the credential evaluator has to request information from other countries, or original documents or other extra documentation from you. You will receive a message if that is necessary.

4. Receiving your credential evaluation

When your credential evaluation is ready, you will receive an email from us. From that time you will be able to download your credential evaluation from your account. The credential evaluation will remain available for download in your account and remains valid.
To download your credential evaluation you click in My IDW on the pdf-file.

The digital signature is not visible in the browser, but it is visible when you download and open the document in Adobe.
The credential evaluation remains available in your account for 3 years and remains valid.

Question marks

Questions about your credential evaluation

Do you have a question about the content of your credential evaluation? Is there a mistake on the credential evaluation, such as a spelling error or a wrong date of birth? Or do you have a complaint? Send an email with your questions to info@idw.nl within 6 weeks of the date given on the credential evaluation. You will receive as quickly as possible a reply from us.

Question marks

Start an application in My IDW

Mandatory credential evaluation

You are required to obtain a credential evaluation in order to be eligible for one of the following legal arrangements:

Frequently asked questions: To work

When your application is complete, you will receive an email from us. From that moment on, an application takes 6 working weeks.

Per application for a credential evaluation, one diploma is evaluated. An application for a credential evaluation costs € 148.83. This includes VAT. We do not know in advance whether Nuffic or SBB will issue the credential evaluation. If SBB issues the evaluation, we will return the VAT by transferring it to your bank account within 4 weeks of you receiving the evaluation.

A sworn translation of the required documents are necessary, if these are not issued in Dutch, English, German or French. Translations are not necessary if you are applying for inburgering. You can find sworn translators in the Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators.

You can also upload a sworn translation from another country. Did you receive an English version of the documents from your educational institution? Then you do not need to submit a sworn translation. A copy of the documents in the original language and a copy of the English version are sufficient.

You are required to obtain a credential evaluation in order to be eligible for one of the following legal arrangements:

Do you not want to be eligible for one of these legal arrangements? In that case it is not mandatory to apply for a credential evaluation. Also, it is not always necessary.

Before applying for a credential evaluation, check whether your profession is regulated (protected) in the Netherlands, for example (para)medic, nurse or teacher. You can find out by checking the database of the European Commission.
Is your profession on the list? Then first contact the competent authority associated with that profession. They will tell you about the procedure you have to follow.
Is your profession missing from the list? Then yours is not a protected profession and you can apply for a credential evaluation directly.

You will not receive an invoice. You will receive a confirmation of receipt and a confirmation of payment in your name after you have submitted the application and paid the fee. If you receive a credential evaluation from Nuffic, you may request an invoice with their VAT number.

If your application is incomplete, even after we have requested the missing documents, we will close your application. The fee you paid will then be refunded, minus € 53 for administration charges. If you request to close the application , the fee you paid will also be refunded, minus the administration charges. You will not be refunded any amounts if you receive a Bericht geen waardering (Notification no evaluation).
